Sunday, March 6, 2011

Daddy does my hair

Tim has been able to help with the kids a little more in the mornings lately and Azley loves to see her Daddy walk through her door first thing in the morning. The girl has some hair, so when I normally get her up, I pull it back so it isn't in her eyes which she hates. Now I understand that Daddy does not have the years of training on Barbies and My Little Ponies under his belt, but it really isn't rocket science.

Here are two instances of Daddy doing hair:

I do not think that this pictures truly shows the bad hair but you can read it all over her face.

And in true man styling, what happens when a guy wants to cover his hair:

This was explained to me when I came downstairs as she was having a fit because her hair was in her face and I panicked and didn't know what else to do.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the picture with the baseball cap! I laughed out loud when I saw it because that's totally something Steve would have done too! :)
