Sunday, January 30, 2011

The future's so bright...

..I gotta wear shades. Sometimes it also helps hide her from the paparazzi when she is out to eat.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What can I say

At least they are sitting nice together??

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just Dance

The kids love to play 'Just Dance' and the new 'Just Dance for Kids' on the Wii. Here are a few pictures of them in action. Bly has some decent moves down but Azley signature move is to constantly spin in a circle. The second picture catches her just as she is about to tip over from being too dizzy. Who knew this could be a hazardous sport?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Toddler Gym

Azley is signed up this winter for a toddler gym class on Wednesday mornings. After we drop Bly off at school, we head to Mishawaka and get our play on. She is so excited to run around the gym and check out all of the equipment. Her favorite is the slide in which you can hear her growl laugh across the entire gym. At a recent class I was able to snap a few pictures of the pea in action.

At the end of class, the kids sit in a row and wait to get their hands stamped. Amazingly she caught on to this really quickly and sits so still waiting for her turn. Today's stamp was a Mickey Mouse on one hand and a Minnie on the other. I think I may need to invest in large stamps and ink pads!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A little bit of cuteness

Nothing remarkable to say about these pictures but just two of the cutest kids I know being their silly selfs.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hockey Practice

Bly had his first hockey practice this weekend. As a mom, I was very nervous about sending him out with much larger kids on his own but he far surpassed my expectations. While the other little ones were clinging to the side or off the ice completely, Bly was tooling around with his chair for support and a huge smile on his face. By the end of the first day, he could stand up on his own without help and was getting quite quick on his skates. The high school boys thought he was a lot of fun and at the end gave him the ride of his life while they pushed him in the chair. If he wouldn't have been in full pads I would have been hysterical. I couldn't have been more proud of him that day while also reflecting on just how big of a boy he is becoming.

He is almost lost underneath all that gear.

Pep talk from his new friend and chair driver.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas (In one post)

Christmas this year was a whirlwind but the kids had a blast. Bly was a seasoned professional at opening gifts this year and Azzi quickly caught up with the program. With so many pictures, I picked out just a few of my favorites from our celebrations.

Don't even think about touching my new kitchen!

She was very interested in watching the possessed Mickey Mouse that Santa left for her.


Thanks Santa!

The face of pure joy.

Eating my donut with my Princess shoes on. I love Christmas morning!

Carefully studying his new gift.

Tea time.