Bly has been getting a lot of the press on this blog so I wanted to just have a post for the little lady in my life. I can't believe that she just turned 9 months! She has been really busy cutting some new teeth and learning to crawl (forward finally). This new freedom has set her loose in the house and nothing is safe. Her favorite toys now are shoes and Rock's bone. She knows that she is not supposed to have it so when she gets ahold of it she gives her evil laugh/growl combo so I know exactly what she is up to.
Azley loves the warmer weather and is becoming a daredevil on the baby swing. She will go just fine for awhile and then wants to lean forward to look at the ground. Again, many a gray hair has popped up because of this child. I call it spunk and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Stopping to pose for the picture.
Food is always a fight. This battle was won by the sweet potatoes.
Touring baby swings across Michiana.
Relaxing after a diaper change. Life is good!
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