I am sure that bedtime is sometimes a crazy time for all families and we are not excluded. When we go in to check on the kids before we go to bed we have found Bly in some weird positions so I have tried to do a better job of documenting these times. Azzi just tends to sleep with her blanket on her head which has worried me many times but I think accounts for her crazy hair. Here are some shots to show you what I mean.
Bly was dead asleep like this. As a side story he was wearing these Woody pajamas one night and kept trying to look at his back. Tim and I asked him what was wrong and he finally asked, "Where is my string?". I have laughed about that one several times.
Here Azley woke up with this hair so I had to take a picture. I don't think that it fully justifies that craziness that was happening but it begins to tell the tale.